InvidiaBenedetto Architetti
Paolo Invidia and Davide Benedetto have been working together for over 8 years. As architects and designers, their partnership emerges from a shared vision of harmony and essentiality in the definition of shapes and spaces and from a dialogue made up of distinct personalities and integrated skills.
Before founding the studio INVIDIABENEDETTOARCHITETTI in 2016, they previously worked together as friends and associates for several architecture firms and important companies in the industry. The stylistic and conceptual characteristic of their projects is the continuous search for a formal balance between functionality and elegance.
Whether it’s the design of a building or a product, the attention on the essential lines, proportions and defined volumes remain recognizable. This is the result of a structured vision and the extreme care of every single detail.
Despite having grown up with a passion for contemporary design and its history, the primary inspiration of the architects is the composition of the Greek aesthetic and the golden ratio, a combination that guarantees a timeless elegance.
From this experience, the first INVIDIABENEDETTOARCHTETTI collection is born with sideboards and cabinets that stand out due to the harmony of the lines and a characteristic elegant style. Every furniture is well suited to any room of the house and is easily combined with other furnishings.
INVIDIABENEDETTOARCHITETTI prioritizes the quality of the materials and only use the best wood and oak for each furniture. The production is 100% made in Italy and is exclusively on Debou.