DesignLibero is an international design studio, based in Milan, founded by Libero Rutilo and Ekaterina Shchetina. The Canadian and Russian influences, the origins of Libero and Ekaterina, characterize the style of DesignLibero. Their works, both interior and product development, stand out for originality and creativity, featuring an unconventional and spectacular vision, able to realize new solutions and design experiences. On Debou we present the Boris magazine rack and the 3D vase collection.
A short description of your collection.
The collection of vases was created with the intent of experimenting on textures and 3D printing, combining something highly exclusive with something as trivial as the plastic bottle. Boris was born from the desire to give a cat to those who cannot have it, a friend to keep close to the sofa.
What inspires you?
Our projects are mostly born from the observation, analysis and synthesis of what surrounds us and sometimes from pure intuition.
Your style in three words.
Amorphous, hybrid, ironic.
Detail makes a difference... What’s yours?
We draw to enjoy, to stir emotions or provoke reactions.
Which object do you wish to design?
The next project is always the most interesting!
If your brand was a song?
Vivaldi's 4 seasons in a contemporary key.