Born in Brescia, where she lives and works, Jennifer is a designer with a very technical background; she defines herself as transversal because her work undergoes continuous contaminations.

After studying Design & Engineering at the Milan Polytechnic and a series of experiences as a researcher and product designer, she opened her studio, with which she carries out consultancy and design activities; she designs collections with a high artistic value, investigating the relationship between psychology and matter and favouring craftsmanship expressiveness and details that arise thanks to a precise story, experienced or told, that lets emotions and fascinations emerge.

She presents on the Debou platform her collection of decorative elements, symbols that act silently in the sacred space we inhabit, beneath the surface of things, designed to speak to people's hearts and awaken their emotional and spiritual presence. Unique elements created with craftsmanship in collaboration with artists and artisans.

“Whether we are believers or not, practitioners or not, traces of spiritual traditions, symbols, rituals, taboos and fears remain in our primitive memory and the body responds to these calls.”

A short description of your collection
I created the Medallions as if they were authentic jewellery capable of adorning houses and walls, celebrating moments of life, experiences, and paths we trace while walking. I like to think that everyone can find part of themselves in a Medallion: in a woman spreading her wings to take flight, in a path of golden pebbles that leads beyond a peak, in words entrusted to the wind.

What inspires you?
My inspiration always comes from particularly emotional moments, situations, and periods. It can be reading a book as a period of life, listening to a piece of music as an environmental context, exchanging jokes with a person or spending time with them. What is certain is that every inspiration stems from a deep feeling, from those more or less tense chords that sometimes life touches or that we touch ourselves to hear its echo.

Your project style in three words
Alchemical - Spiritual – Symbolic

Detail makes a difference … what's yours?
I believe that symbolism is the detail that makes me stand out. I communicate using colors and graphic signs to evoke everyone's old memories or deep feelings.

Which object do you wish to design?
I focus more on how I feel while designing than on the design itself. So, turning the question around, my answer is that I dream of always feeling aligned with myself, my feelings and my rainbow of sensations. The project then comes into its own.

If your brand was a song.
Yikes, what a difficult question! I listen to too much music to be able to answer, too many songs to which I am very attached and which I carry in my heart. But there is one song that is about me. It's called Jennifer Juniper by Donovan. More I won't say; it's a secret few people know ;)

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