Xilolab is a creative laboratory born form the combination of different experiences and a common passion: the interior design. Olimpia Migliore and Giorgio Migliore, intertwining their respective scientific-managerial and technical-production skills, launched this artisan company that creates original furniture characterized by a timeless Italian taste.
The main protagonist is the wood with its veins, the shades of color and its "defects" that give uniqueness and authenticity to the product.
Particular attention to sustainability and environmental protection is part of the mission of Xilolab which uses exclusively FSC or PEFC certified timber and is active in compensatory reforestation of both CO2 emissions and the amount of wood used.
A short description of your collection.
Our collection is made up of small and large objects that synthesize the design and philosophy of the company and are in the process of "settling", based on the continuous improvements we make to the products and customer feedback. Being designers and manufacturers at the same time, the launch of new pieces takes quite a long time. All the products are born according to a strict adherence to the brand philosophy: solid wood of certified origin, renouncing the use of rare and exotic woods, ecological finishes and anything else included in the circular economy of the product. Beauty comes also from this: the more compromises are accepted the more the final product is compromised.
What inspires you?
The aim that the product must satisfy and the search for harmony between the forms and the use of materials (the design that follows the function is still a valid philosophy ...)
Your style in three words.
Functional, linear, conceptual, light but original.
Detail makes a difference ... What's yours?
More than ours, it is of the materials we use: they are natural materials and, as far as possible, we try to leave small imperfections, which make each piece unique. This is the essential difference between a synthetic and a natural material, the first is perfect and doesn't show any lived part, the second you can recognize from its surface.
Which object do you wish to design?
Each project proposes the same challenges on different horizons, but surely a "breakthrough" that does not yet exist on the market is our dream... we are working on it!
If your brand was a song?
The famous Italian song composed for children "... to make a table ... you need a flower ..."