Izmade is a collective of designers based in Turin, working in the field of self-made eco-design and creating furniture and home accessories produced in small series or in limited editions. Izmade's products are the result of contamination between the typical approach of design within the object is conceived and the craft production process within it is realized. The design process is based on environmental sustainability and enhancement of the original material's feature and function.
A short description of your collection.
We hand made our products through an ongoing research on materials (recycled, industrial waste and by-products, innovative and certificated materials) and with attention to product end-of-life.
What inspires you?
Our different cultural and artistic backgrounds, know-how and experiences, that give the product an European contemporary flavour.
Your style in three words.
artisan /hand-crafted, dry, giggly.
Detail makes a difference... What’s yours?
The project idea and our taking of every single detail and finishing, this conveys all the passion we put to our work.
Which object do you wish to design?
Heart shaped kneeling-stool.
If your brand was a song?
Grunge. Heart-shaped box (Nirvana).